How Trivent Legal Experts Helped Resolve Complex Service Requirements? 

In the legal field, complex cases often demand specialized expertise beyond the scope of standard service offerings. In such instances, collaboration with Trivent legal’s medical team can significantly enhance the efficiency and clarity of case management. This case study illustrates how effective communication and expert support can streamline legal services, resulting in successful outcomes. 

Case Overview 
Our client, a seasoned lawyer specializing in personal injury cases, was handling a complex personal injury case with a focus on premises liability causing head injury to his plaintiff. Defendants strongly denied the allegation, stating no evidence to directly relate the injuries to the incident. Apart from the summary of key events, our client needed support in preparing additional reports and data to strengthen his claim. 

How did Trivent legal medical experts develop a detailed list of services for the case? 

Trivent legal experts believe that understanding client requirements and the ability to provide the right service and solutions are key to ensuring customer satisfaction with the deliverables. Understanding the upfront support needed, we reviewed the requirements with the client and were able to develop a detailed list of services needed to support the case liability facts. 

Trivent Legal’s Medical Record Review services for the client 
Medical Chronology: Review of medical records and add details related to diagnostic and/or historical statements by any caregiver that relate each of the 3 injuries or symptoms to the overhead bin door strike in the head incident. If we observe multiple times caregivers referring to the same statement, we will include every detail as a separate entry in the chronology. 

Rx Records Summary: We will note from the Rx Records if opioids have been prescribed. And then prepare the Tally Report and Graphical Chart on Opioid prescription, 

Chronology Extraction and Highlighting: We will create 3 distinct chronologies for PTSD, Concussion, and Sternoclavicular Joint Dislocation and highlight every diagnostic/historical statement by any caregiver relating to each of the injuries to the overhead bin door strike. 

Extraction of Records with Details of Dx and Historical Statements: Records related to the Dx/Historical statements will be extracted. We will provide 3 separate extracted PDFs for the 3 injuries. 

Tally Report: The report will highlight the number of times treating MDs and/or other caregivers made statements relating symptoms to overhead bin strike, by injury group. 

Tally Report and Graphical Chart (Bar Graphs): 

Report 1: The total number of injections the patient has received in his head and neck. 

Report 2: The total number and types of opioid Rx’s he took, and any other total # of treatments listed in a visual tally of the treatment the patient had over the last 6 years. 

Tally Report and Graphical Chart
Tally Report and Graphical Chart
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What benefits were achieved through Trivent legal’s assistance? 

We were able to save 50% of the legal cases costs for the attorney through our focused medical record review process 


This case study exemplifies the transformative impact of effective communication and expert support in handling complex cases. By leveraging the specialized expertise of Trivent Legal and fostering collaborative discussion, our client was able to successfully navigate a complex case, ultimately achieving favorable outcomes for the client.

If you need your case to be reviewed, please reach out to us at 610-674-6901 or email us at [email protected]

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